• Volvo FM450 6X2*4, Haken

    Volvo FM450 6X2*4,Haken, År 2018, 6x2*4, 450Hk, 406,000 km.
    Volvo FM450 6X2*4, Haken
    Volvo FM450 6X2*4, Haken
    Volvo FM450 6X2*4, Haken
    Volvo FM450 6X2*4, Haken

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Owner Thomas B. Jensen

Intertruck Dealing ApS is a reputable trading company with extensive experience in trade with used trucks. We are an old company that was established over 30 years ago back in 1982. All employees have a great experience in the industry.

We have as the first company, dealing with used trucks, introduced a successful control procedure of the trucks we resell to our retail and wholesale customers. A system to give ourselves and especially our customers a benefit, in the search for the right truck that meets the customer needs, at the right price and quality. We, therefore, want to be the preferred partner, which our customers can rely on. Satisfied customers always come back and we often see that in everyday life.



Intertruck Dealing ApS
Thomas B. Jensen

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